Flaring back to life 

After almost a year without writing, I feel like a faucet has turned on in my brain. Something has clicked and my writing brain is back! I’ve completed about 4 short fiction pieces, started a few more, submitted everything I had, and I’m slowly starting to sink back into my novel.

I can do this. I can balance work, writing, family, and illness. At the very least, I can keep trying. 

Hopefully I’ll soon have some good news about more stories. In the meantime, anyone know of any publications looking for stories? Or anyone looking to be a beta reader? I’d love another pair of eyes.

Found: Friend Fiction

While going through my google drive folder of short stories the other day, I found this delightful gem. It was intended to be a longer piece as a gift to a friend (Kelly, the main character) for her birthday a few years ago. It never got finished, but I’m pleased enough with this uncompleted snippet to share it here.

Cat to the Future

It started like any other day. Wake up, breakfast, hurry to work. Kelly went through the motions, not noticing the orange tabby cat following her on the street.

The cat, however, noticed Kelly. He was fascinated by her youth, and her ignorance of things to come. Later, when the the cat was much younger, she would be almost unrecognizable as the same person.

He followed her all day, knowing that he would recognize the moment to reveal himself when it came. He watched through her window while she worked, noting with interest all of the things that she had never told him. The jokes she told, the objects she surrounded herself with. Some of it was the normal, period appropriate things he expected. Other things puzzled him, like the drawer full of potatoes. Who potatoes? Why so many? He might never know the answer.

As the sky grew dark and Kelly remained at the office, he knew the time to show himself was coming. The lights went out in the building, one by one, and then he saw her crossing the parking lot. He posed in the streetlight, knowing that she wouldn’t be able to resist stopping to pet him.

“Hello there, where do you belong?” She leaned down to see if he had a collar (he did not. He would never have succombed to that indignity.) “Aren’t you a handsome one?”

“While I do adore listening to allocutions on my physical beauty, there are much more important issues at hand.” Kelly jumped back, into the darkness. He chucked a little to himself. He had never seen her speechless before. He gathered all of his feline dignity and arched is furry neck. “Kelly Crowe, I am Benedict CumberCat, and I am from the future.”

“Wait, what?” Her laughter echoed over the empty parking lot. “A talking cat from the future and your name is Benedict CumberCat? Oh my God, yes.”

“You are the one that graced me with the name, lady.” His tail was starting to puff up. He should have expected this, knowing her. She would laugh at him, in this, the most important moment of his life. “Usually you just call me Cat.”

Her laughed died down and he felt her confusion return. “What do you mean I named you? How does that work?”

“Far into your future you’ll adopt me, raise me, and teach me the ways of the time travelers. I, in turn, am here to teach you.”

I’m working on this whole being a person thing. It’s harder than other people make it look. There’s so much I want to do! Read, write, work, help cats and children, have a good relationship with my husband, have friends, have a clean home… 

It would be hard enough to balance all of that, but on top of it I’m dealing with getting my anxiety disorder under control and stopping my endometriosis from getting worse. 

Lately my anxiety has been more than a little out of control. I’m not sure if it’s the worst I’ve ever experienced, but it’s not good. I’m not going to let it win. I’ll come out of this stronger and better… Me, my doctors, and my wonderful husband will make sure of that. (Side note, I’m so very lucky to have a supportive partner and have access to decent medical care.) 

This is just a rambley post to get me back in the habit. I’ve barely written since stating my full time job last August, and I miss is immensely. I need to carve out the time for blogging and stories, even if it currently feels impossible. 

Just to keep this from being too much of a downer post, here’s a picture of the kittens we are fostering. It’s something we’ve been thinking about doing in the future, and it came up that these little ones needed a place to stay! I’m hoping to do a lot more of it once we’re in a house we own! 

Where has Emily Disappeared to? Part Two: The Sad

In September, shortly after I started my new job, we adopted our second cat. We named her BeeBee8, after the new Star Wars droid we already knew we loved. At first she was apprehensive of her new home, and her new feline brother. She hid under the bed, and she clearly missed her liter sisters.


Within a few weeks, she and Simon were best friends. They cuddled together, played together, ate together, and bathed each other. She was a perfect addition to our little family.

Less than two weeks after we got back from our honeymoon, four months after we adopted her, we took Bee to the vet for the last time.

Bee developed the wet version of FIP. We took her to the vet because she was acting tired and wouldn’t play with Simon. We thought she might have a cold, or maybe a hairball. We thought we would get her a prescription and our sweet, joyful girl would be back to normal in a few days. We never dreamed that it was the end of her life.

There is nothing that can be done for FIP. There are no signs of it until it’s almost the end. There are no tests. The vet told us that there was nothing we ever could have done, which is a small comfort. I’m glad that we didn’t contribute to her dying before her first birthday. I’m grateful we were able to make her short life a happy one.

But I’m still heartbroken that she’s gone. It’s been a month, a long hard month full of other sad and stressful things, but sometimes at night I’ll still wake up looking for her. I miss the way she would turn my ereader pages for me when I was too anxious to sleep. I miss the way she would watch over me when I could sleep. I miss her funny sounds and the way she had all three of us wrapped around her little paw.


The grief isn’t as fresh or painful as it was in those first days, but I know I’ll continue missing her for a long time. Goodbye sweet Bee. I hope the other side of the rainbow bridge is as wonderful as you are.

Where has Emily disappeared to? Part One: The Good

It’s been a crazy couple of months. Last night while I was lying in bed, worrying about things that don’t make any sense, I realized that I’ve been at my new job for almost 6 months now, and it’s been almost that long since I’ve blogged.

Who knew working full time would take up so much time?!

Not that I’m complaining–my job is wonderful, and I really couldn’t ask for a better one. I get to work hard, have fun, and really feel like I’m making the community a better place. My job is great!


One thing that surprises me with my library job is how much I adore doing story time. I was incredibly nervous about taking on that duty, but it has become the best part of my job. I have no social anxiety around the kids–I can just be my goof weird self and they are into it! They love my weird pattern dresses, my songs, my enthusiasm for everything. It is a delight to work with them!

Besides working, I also had this *little* wedding thing going on. Remember when I was all optimistic that I could get SO much writing done before the wedding? Remember when I thought it wouldn’t be THAT much work to plan? Young, silly Emily didn’t understand how intense it would be…but it was amazing. Fantastic. A dream. Looking back I’m not quite sure how it could have happened because it was JUST SO PERFECT!

Here are a handful of my favorite photos:


SO PERFECT! The Susquhanna Photographic  did our pictures and they blew us away with how they captured our special day.


And then there was the honeymoon. We went on a Disney Star Wars Day at Sea Cruise (The first one ever!) and that was another great choice on our part. We got to have fun, do romantic things, be nerds, and eat so much food.


Life has been full. Life has been good. I have been lucky.

A “Spark” of Interest in the Lily Cahill Project


There’s something weird going on in Independence Falls, CO, and that something weird is something WONDERFUL for us readers! A group of women has joined up under the name Lily Cahill to bring us a series set in a quirky 1950s Colorado town. There’s love, there’s weird paranormal things, and there’s a whole town to explore!

There are a lot of things to love about Sparked. It’s a quick read, absolutely perfect for a summer afternoon by the pool. The romance strikes the perfect balance between steamy, flirty, and fun, and I loved the relationship between the two main characters. It wasn’t exactly a shock that the Romeo and Julietesque lovers got together, but who reads a romance book thinking things could go any other way!? The paranormal mystery was a cool set up, and I’m really excited to see how it develops in the rest of the series.

There’s only one book out so far in the Independence Falls Sci-Fi Romance Series, but it was good enough that I’m planning on checking out the others when they hit the e-shelves later this year. You can get the first book, Sparked, for free at their website: http://lilycahill.com/vip/

A Whirlwind of Things

I’ve been quiet here the last few weeks. My life has been something of a whirlwind of medical things, wedding things, job hunting things, writing things, and anxiety things.


Steve and I looking perfect during one of the brief calm moments of the last month!

First, let’s talk about writing. With everything going on, my precious novel has mostly fallen by the wayside. I haven’t given up on it, but I also haven’t had the time or attention necessary to make it as great as I want it to be. So, it’s temporarily sidelined in favor of the easier to focus on short stories. In the last month I wrote the best (in my opinion) story I’ve ever written. I’ve also gotten it rejected four times. I’m determined to find it a good home, and in the meantime I’ve got many others that I’m working on and polishing up!

I’ve been spending a lot of time hiding in my favorite books. When I’m stressed about things, it’s difficult for me to fall in love with something new. I reread everything the library had of Connie Willis’, and I’m now working my way back through Jo Walton’s books. I read a lot of books, and apart from books I discovered as a kid, no other authors have impressed me, impacted me, and changed the way I think of writing as Connie Willis and Jo Walton. They’re amazing, the books are a delight to reread, and everyone should go read all of their books immediately.

Time willing, I’ll do a longer post this weekend reviewing some of the other things I’ve read and watched. Thanks for sticking around, readers!